This past Thursday we went to visit a Zulu mama who runs an orphanage and day care in
Thembisa. The vision I had in my head was much different from what we actually saw. This
orphanage receives children placed by the state,by neighbors who find children whose parents have died, or from mothers who can no longer care for their children.
Mama, which is the only name we were given for her, has been caring for children for 30 years. We met one of the children she raised. He had come to visit and help; he is 36 years old. He told us he had been an orphan and that he was older than most when he left her home. He was 18. Mama told me she has a big heart so God sends her these children. She has carried many on her back as she goes about her chores. Her youngest charge at present is almost 2 years old. She has had him since he was a baby. I am not sure of the age of the oldest children. They were in school when we visited.
Mama has three woman helpers who do washing, cleaning, and cooking as well as help care for the children. They are homeless and they do this work for food. They all seemed like good kind people, and they laughed with glee when I took their photo and then showed them how they looked.
As we watched them work we noticed that they were taking the clothes from the washer and wringing them out by hand. When I inquired as to why they were wringing the closed I was told the washer has a broken spin cycle. There is no dryer so they hang clothes outside on anything that will hold them off the ground. There is no hot water in this home. The bathroom is out back not in the house. We also discovered that there is only one burner working on their stove. This stove top has not been installed but sits
on top of the counter.
In the midst of this malfunction the woman are happily working, singing and dancing. They treated us like
family and were so thankful for our visit. We brought food to help stock their kitchen. I made some carrot muffins which mama thought were a treasure from heaven. There is no oven in her kitchen so baked goods are a real treat. The children enjoyed them so much they even chewed the cupcake paper.
When we first arrived we were welcomed by children running to greet us. We received hug after hug from these little ones so willing to love the new arrivals. They are beautiful. The bedroom,, in which they sleep, is clean and well organized even in this very humble abode. The blankets on their beds were a donation from the church. They have had them only a little while. Our winters have been so cold and there is no heating in the home, like most others homes. I do not know how they have made it through the winter without sickness or death, but they have.
Mama called me her sister. I think it is one of the nicest compliments I have had since arriving in
Joburg. She, is an angel of mercy. I know God loves her and is helping her in this work. She is not a member of our church, but is a better person than most of us.
This is mama with her children. The young man in green is the 36 year son who comes to help. He has a job and I imagine he brings food for the children when he can.
Elder Webb and Elder Savage helped to unload the food, the children helped carry it to the kitchen
The 36year graduate of the orphanage also helps in the garden.
Mama said when Summer comes she will be able to sell some of the produce from their garden. She will get a few Rands to help with expenses.
This is their garden spot. The man in the picture helps in the garden. He too works for food. They have no tools to work the soil. What they do accomplish is done by faith and hard work. Mama asked us to bring her seeds and tools so they can have a good garden this year.
Mama and children dancing for joy. "God loves me" says mama,"he brought you to me; he always provides". Mama speaks little
English but I felt I understood
every thing she said. She shines with the love of Christ. She lives to serve his children.
All the children we saw were healthy active little boys, except two little girls.
There were a few broken toys in a trailer that acted as a classroom. The weather was warm enough for them to play outside in the playground.
A couple of the children with Sister Savage.
Unloading the car. Mama says the children get one good meal a day.
Here is the stove top. This cook is one of the homeless woman who works for her food. She is cooking mealies (corn mush) which is a staple on the only burner that works.
This kitchen is kept clean by these good woman.
Laundry in this washing machine is an all day affair. With cold water for all chores and hand wringing the labor is
This is the bedroom. All beds have new blankets that are treasured for the beauty as well as their warmth. I'm not sure they have ever had anything new before.
The curtain you see in the right hand corner is the room divider. Mama sleep on the other side of the curtain. She always has the youngest children share her bed so she can keep them warm .
The floor is cement, but they are kept
clean and tidy.
Some of the children eating their carrot muffins.
The muffins were gone in a flash, but each child took one only. We saved half
of them for the children who would be coming home from school.
neighborhood on the way to orphanage
I must say, I left part of my heart here. I thought about these little people and mama all night long. I prayed that we could find a way to help with the stove and the washing machine.
God did send ideas. The area office has a warehouse were supplies for the area office missionary apartments are kept. I asked Malcom, the man in charge of such things, if there were an extra stove we could purchase. He asked me why I needed one. When I told him about the orphanage, their stove and washer, he said they would give it to her. He asked if we needed it delivered. He also asked if I wanted a washer for them.
That was not me working miracles that was the Lord. He loves mama. He loves each of us and as we do our best, keep his commandments, serve one another and prayto him in the name of JESUS CHRIST he make a way for us to succeed. We feel blessed that the Lord would allow to watch his miracles for mama unfold. He is a God of miracles big and small.