Here we are waiting for the dinner buffet bell to ring telling us dinner is being served. We are at the Castle Rock Hotel on Castle Mountain.
These pictures are taken after we visited the Drakenberg Choir and school. It was a lovely way to end a glorious day. We all agree the food was fabulous by the way.
This is Castle Rock Mountain. The highest peak in South Africa at 11,000 plus feet.
The Drakensberg Choir are a group of boys who attend this elite school in the top of the mountains. It is a boarding school and these young men are from all over Africa. We were able to visit with them individually as well as listen to their concert. They performed for 2 hours music which was as divers as it's members.
This a picture of the boys holding up the CD that were given to them after the performance. Everyone else had gone and we were able to spend a few minutes with them when Elder Harms made the presentation. We were treated like dignitaries. They young men are very polite. Discipline and self mastery are major components of their schooling. They were expected to converse with members of the audience as we mingled together before the concert.
The concert itself was was half classical music and half African music from all over Africa.
This is Andrea, a 10 year old from Johannesburg. He is 5 hours away from home and is allowed a break twice a year. He told me he had been at the school since January and that he loves it. It is hard being away from family, but the adjustment has been made and he only thinks about how very fortunate he is to have this opportunity. He was delightful and very helpful in explaining what goes on at the school. One must have very high marks academically as well as be gifted in music. He is one of about 30 boys that are here on trial. They are not allowed to perform all the numbers as they have not been trained in all the styles of music performed. Most children that are accepted on trail make it thought the testing period and are allowed into full fellowship.
These are some of the pending students. You can probably tell by looking at them they are very normal fellows with mischief under the smile. The difference is they control when and where they indulge themselves. There is the right time for all things at this school.
We enjoyed the performance and would recommended the same for anyone who might have an opportunity to see them in person. They do have music CD's available in music store everywhere, although I must say I think they are even better in person. Many of the solos performed by guest on their CD's are sung by students when they perform weekly at school. I actually think they boys are better than many of the soloists who were brought in for their names sake. It is to sell product. At least I think it must be
This is a lovely home we saw while in the area. Notice the thatched roof.
We also went to a bird show while on the Mountain. This is one of the bird of prey. They were all beautiful and majestic in their own right. They performed on order of their trainers.
This is an owl who usually hunts fish from the river in the valley down below. He would not fly, because their were two black eagles in the far distance. We had trouble spotting them but with his incredible vision and he spotted them with out trouble. He would not fly until they left the area which they eventually did. I thought owls could not see in the day time. We learned differently.
Sorry, I just deleted the owl.
visiting with guests of the show.
I had with me from earlier in the day. I thought he was the only one around, but when I began to share the banana with him the bushes began to move and what had been a very quiet wooded are
now came to life with hundreds of monkeys. A few made their way closer to me, the larger ones grunting in a demanding tone. I must say I few less secure the bigger the monkeys got. A forest ranger made his way over to me and asked that I not feed them as they become a pest and steel from the campers who come to stay over night. I should have known better.
Our traveling party consisted of the Harms, the Lewis' and the Sister Missionaries Sister Warnick and Sister Gerke. They are actually sisters in real life serving a mission together. On lost her husband last year and the only was divorced a little while ago. They are dear friends.

The swimming pool at the Bed and Breakfast we stayed at. You can see the view is sensational especially since we did not have to look though barred windows. The night sky's were also breath taking; so many stars it made me think of Abraham's desire to know all about the heavens and so God had him instructed in such matters in preparation for his time in Egypt. It was this sky that caused him to wonder.

Notice how blue the winter sky is? We loved being able to enjoy our time here without worry of security. It was so peaceful, quiet, and dark at night we all want to return as soon as possible. The only trouble is there are so many beautiful places to visit in Africa one must choose and plan carefully or the time passes and it's time to go home. We have been here 5 months already.
Some cottages on the property. We stayed in the larger home which had 4 bedrooms with bath and a nice living area which we share. We walked each morning up the drive way to a building next to the swimming pool where we were served our breakfast.
The swimming pool at the Bed and Breakfast we stayed at. You can see the view is sensational especially since we did not have to look though barred windows. The night sky's were also breath taking; so many stars it made me think of Abraham's desire to know all about the heavens and so God had him instructed in such matters in preparation for his time in Egypt. It was this sky that caused him to wonder.
Notice how blue the winter sky is? We loved being able to enjoy our time here without worry of security. It was so peaceful, quiet, and dark at night we all want to return as soon as possible. The only trouble is there are so many beautiful places to visit in Africa one must choose and plan carefully or the time passes and it's time to go home. We have been here 5 months already.
The owners of this bed and breakfast moved to this spot from Johannesburg for the cleaner air and to write. He is a doctor of Theology and author. They love having the LDS missionaries as guest because we always end our prayers in the name of Jesus Christ. He study a long time, delving into most religions before he came to his belief that Jesus Christ is in fact the Son of God. He sounds much like C.W.Lewis in his approach to religion. A non believer who now believes.
Some how it is easier to pray, and listen in this environment. I understand why the Lord left the big city for the mountains to meditate, pray, and regroup. I wished we could stay a bit longer, but I am very thankful for the experience we did have. God's world is a beautiful place.
Ha - Busted! Don't feed the monkeys! Beautiful pictures! Thank you again for sharing your adventures.