We did our usual morning work schedule and then at 11 am we were divided into groups and given some instructions which began our South African travelramma.
Earlier last month, when we first received notice of our Christmas devotional, we were asked to bring a meter of fabric which was to be used in making a quilt. Little did we know that before it went into a quilt is would be used to create instant characters in the drama of Christ's birth.
In this picture you see Tirhani, one of the women in our PEF office dressed as one of the women in our play. She is with some of the woman from the cleaning staff, Maria and Ruth.
Before we entered the devotional room we were given a piece of paper which instructed us which group we were to stay with as we traveled back in time to Jerusalem to witness the Christ child for ourselves. There were 4 different groups. It was a nice way to present the some of the scenes from history leading up to Christ's birth. It also served as crowd control.
The manger scene with a visitor paying tribute to the new child.
Brother Pule singing a lullaby to the Infant King.
The wise men visit with gifts
Community members gather to see their long awaited King.
Songs and music reminded us of the special night and the reason lowly shepards and kings as well watched and waited for the prophecy of Christ birth to be fulfilled.
It was quite amazing to see 150 people shuffling from site to site in quiet reverence as we heard the voices of (interpretations of course) Joseph and Mary, Elizabeth and Zackarious, one of the Wisemen and a few of the Shepard's tell of of their thoughts and feeling as they experienced the voices of angels introducing the advent of Christ's birth.
It was a wonderful production and a lot of work went into it.
After the play we were treated to a Middle Eastern meal to celebrate the birthday. The meal was served in a tent to make things feel authentic.
Here in South Africa most of the month of December is considered holiday time. Many people work until the 15th and then they take their vacations returning the middle of January. It is Summer and we are finding the town of Johannesburg empties out. Even the beggars go on holiday. The gentleman that sells us the homeless newspaper wanted us to know he could be leaving to return to his ancestral home for the holiday. We needed to support him by buying our paper early.
The month came and went and we actually found it very pleasant. Way fewer people, no traffic jams and the parks were not crowded on the weekends.
Thunder storms rolled across the sky and we had several days of rain. This made us feel right at home....except the temperature never got below 60 in the day.
We are delighted one more month of African adventure has left us with grateful hearts. It was a hard month to be away from family. It did not really feel like Christmas so it was not all that hard. Only once did I get teary eyed and that was when I went to dinner at Elder and Sister Soares' home.
Elder Soares is a councilor in the Area Presidency. They hail from Brazil. Sister Soares had her home decorated in a more traditional Christmas fair than we see hear in South Africa. Complete with stockings on the hearth. I felt a lump in my throat and fought back tears as I looked at pictures of her family. The sensation lasted but a little while and I was back in the swing of things. That is until Christmas Day.
I think all the missionaries had a bit of melancholy as we visited with family so far away. Having said that, we are all very grateful too, to that great King who was born of Mary so many years ago. Whose life, death and resurrection give us all the Peace and Promise of Life Eternal. He is the Way the Truth and the Light. How grateful we are to know of His Love for each of us.
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